On April 27, 2024, 100 dogs in Delhi were issued with their QR-Based”aadhar cards” at strategic points such as Delhi T1 Airport, India Gate as well as respected NGO Pawfriend.in. Priya Chopra led this project as the head of Paw Friend.in’s Delhi chapter, with a focus on improving the security and well-being of man’s best friend through time.
Relevance of dog aadhar using QR codes: The journey began at dawn as dogs were identified around manavi rai’s shelter, a key measure to avoid losing them.
Manavi Rai, an activist for animal rights, exulted on reflecting over this initiative with the words “It is with great joy that I acknowledge how these QR codes can be used when our pets require urgent help.”
Pawfriend.in is a non-governmental organization that was established to improve the welfare and protection of stray animals in India. In an attempt to have a more protective and caring environment for our furry friends, pawfriendin employs innovative approaches as well as collaborations within the society. This undertaking concurs with a digitally connected Bharat model that accommodates all categories of fauna.
During major events, QR based dog aadhaar cards are intended to increase security. T1 Airport registered fifteen stray dogs that received tags while twenty-five were tagged at India gate this week in light of their vulnerability during such occasions. In the quest for missing animals, these high tech ‘Aadhar cards’ with quick response (QR) codes have been designed to keep information about feeders and emergency phone numbers helping faster reunion between lost dogs and their owners.”
“Akshay Ridlan said that pawfriend.in is committed to increasing their coverage to encompass over 6350 tags across the country, with the aim of expanding it ten times by the end of the year”.