27/05/2024 - 10:27 AM

“Dog-man’s next morph: Cat or Panda?”

A japanese man who has been among the top trending topics for turning himself into a hyper realistic dog says he would like to change into another animal such as a fox, cat or panda next.

Daily star reported that a youtuber by the name Toco spent more than 12 dollars to live as a dog, and he documented each step in changing into a border collie on his youtube channel ‘I want to be an animal’ where he enjoys a good number of views totaling to over 65 thousand subscribers.

Is it likely that Donald Trump’s chances of ever returning to the White House will be affected by the ‘historic judgment’ that found him guilty? The gentleman who also doubles up as a dog owner is well known for several clips showing him walking around pretending to be a dog in different environments, one of them being played back through YouTube.

During an interview with a Japanese news outlet, it was revealed Toco has dreams of becoming a different species. He then spoke to WanQol and mentioned four types of animals he would want to try out. To him though, two of these might be impossible due to different reasons. He observed that “In dogs compared to people their bones are set out differently and their limbs’ bending is visible… making actions resembling those is hard”

I am currently seeking ways to create legs that resemble that of a dog; they are covered in fur just like dogs do except it is worsened if they become dirtier because they even attract dust and mud. I would rather actually become a whole different kind of animal too. Another possibility for me would be to morph into any one of them – for instance another dog, a panda, or perhaps even a bear.

“A fox or a cat would be good, too bad they are too small for us humans to attempt.” “I dreamed that one day I would be transformed into some other kind of animal though I don’t know what it will be”. Therianthropy is an ancient concept that means living as another animal and it is believed to have started more than a thousand years ago based on greek myths. It originated from the legends about metamorphosis where people shifted shapes like dogs and this story appeared in the daily star.

Based on a study done by the International Anthropomorphic Research Project, “fursona” is the term used by most living in that manner to refer to their animal selves.

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