
The Sloughi originated in North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, as a sighthound to hunt game such as hare, fox, jackal, gazelle, ostrich, and wild pigs, and being a companion to the nomadic Berber people. By the end of the nineteenth century, the first Sloughis arrived in Europe and were identified by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. The Sloughi was imported to America In 1973 for the first time. In 1995, the United Kennel Club recognized the breed, and later by the American Kennel Club in 2016.

  • Type - Sighthound
  • Weight -35 to 50 pounds
  • Height- 26 to 29 inches (male), 24 to 27 inches (female)
  • Family -Hound (AKC), Sighthound & Pariah (UKC)
  • Area of Orgin -Africa

Energy Level

Exercise Requirements


Affection Level

Friendliness To Dogs

Friendliness To Other Pets

Friendliness To Strangers


Ease of Training

Grooming Requirements

Heat Sensitivity



The Sloughi is a historical African sighthound initially bred to hunt wild game, including hare, fox, jackal, gazelle, ostrich, and wild pigs. Prized for his class, grace, and nobility, the Sloughi is intelligent, pushed, and loyal, even though he occasionally may be aloof and shy amongst strangers. He is energetic and athletic but reserved and well-mannered in the house. Sensitive, proud, and independent, the Sloughi bonds intently together and his human family and is pretty affectionate and mild with the ones he loves.


The Sloughi is a clever, energetic, and athletic breed built for speed that requires lots of supervised exercises, especially free running in a fenced yard. Keep in mind the Sloughi is a true sighthound and hence has a strong prey drive, so walks must always be on a leash, and contact with small puppies or cats must be avoided. The Sloughi has a smooth, delicate, short coat that needs minimum grooming — weekly brushing and the occasional bath are all it takes to maintain his coat clean and sleek. Must brush his teeth frequently, and ears wiped clean and checked regularly for signs of infection.


“Major diagnosis: Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
Minor diagnosis: Ear infections
Occasionally Seen: N/A
Suggested Tests: Eyes and PRA Optigen DNA test
Lifespan: 10 to 15 years”


Note: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, dogs are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.

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