Animal rescuer Dinesh Baba extends care to abandoned animals.
Dinesh Baba says that animals deserve shelter, food, love and more. That made him make the doors of ROA Shelter at Koovathur. He said he ran behind all the rehabilitation centers for animals and saw several incidents as many dogs were abandoned by their old parents and more. Many incidents are made to open doors for animals where they can be cared for, rehabilitated and even adopted.
Dinesh was very loving and compassionate from a very young age itself. He made his first rescue in 2011 when a truck was stranded with rescued cattles. Shelter which was opened by Dinesh says that it contains 50 dogs, disabled dogs and even two pigs. Dinesh also hopes to build a facility for sterilization and vaccination in animals for rural areas. Setting up various dogs in different kennels with sufficient spacing between them. They will not grow together as their behavior could lead to disturbances and more. Dinesh shelter offers adoption as many adoptions have been done virtually.