01/03/2024 - 12:55 PM

Maharaja’s Lavish ₹2 Crore Dog Wedding

In the rich tapestry of human history, there are narratives that defy convention, tales that illuminate the depths of eccentricity and ardor. Among these, few gleam as brightly as the saga of the Nawab who held his dogs in the highest esteem. Dogs, those steadfast and furry companions of humanity, have ingrained themselves deeply into the fabric of our lives. They trot beside us through the corridors of time, their loyalty unparalleled, their affection steadfast. And amidst the realm of eccentricity, one name rises above all: Muhammad Mahabat Khan, Maharaja of Junagadh. His affection for his canine companions knew no bounds.

It is told that the Nawab harbored a deep fondness for these four-legged creatures. His love for them surpassed even his regard for many of his fellow humans. He believed in the purity of their companionship, their steadfast loyalty, and their boundless capacity for love. While others may have sought solace in the company of fellow rulers or esteemed dignitaries, the Nawab found his joy in the wag of a tail and the affectionate gaze of his beloved dogs.

His devotion knew no bounds. Picture a palace bustling not only with the affairs of state but also with the playful frolics of over 800 canine companions. Each dog, doted upon beyond measure, possessed its own chamber, its own means of communication, and even its own attendant. For the Nawab, these were not mere pets but cherished members of his royal household.

Yet, perhaps the zenith of his affection was reserved for his beloved Roshanara. She was a canine beauty whose heart had been captured by a golden retriever named Bobby. When the Nawab discovered this canine courtship, he was overcome with joy. To honor this union of hearts, he orchestrated a spectacle unlike any other—a grand wedding befitting royalty.

The resplendent halls of the palace, bedecked with blooms and splendor, played host to guests from far and wide who had gathered to witness the union of two dogs. The bride, escorted to the Durbar Hall in a silver palki, was greeted by adoring onlookers lining her path. Meanwhile, the groom, adorned in regal attire of gold bracelets and a necklace, arrived with a grand retinue of 250 dogs, accompanied by a military band and a guard of honor.

Yet beyond the grand ceremonies and lavish displays, lay a deeper truth to the Nawab’s affection for his canine companions. He was not merely a lover of dogs but a champion of all creatures, both great and small. His endeavors to safeguard the endangered Asiatic lion and enhance local animal husbandry stand as a testament to his reverence for the natural world.


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