17/10/2023 - 9:52 AM

Pet earns cash for Human-Guardians

The article discusses the rise of social media pet influencers, particularly in India, and how they are generating significant income for their human owners. It highlights the growing pet care industry and the increasing involvement of larger corporations in this sector.

It begins by emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between brands and pet owners, indicating the rapid growth of the pet care industry in India. This growth has attracted the attention of major corporations, further fueling the expansion of this sector.

The article then introduces Sontu, a seven-year-old Labrador from Bangladesh, who has amassed a considerable following on Facebook, with over 524,000 followers. Sontu serves as a bridge between the two Bengals, symbolizing the unity and connection between India and Bangladesh.

Sontu’s rise to fame occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, when his human sister, Tanusri Roy, posted a video of him eating cucumber in a unique manner—starting with the skin before consuming the insides. This video went viral, catapulting Sontu to social media stardom.

As a result of his popularity, Sontu’s videos now fetch significant income from Facebook, earning between $300 to $400 for every video that garners a million likes. This illustrates the lucrative potential of social media pet influencers and the financial rewards they can bring to their owners.

Overall, the article showcases the growing trend of social media pet influencers, their impact on the pet care industry, and the substantial income they can generate for their human parents.


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